Frozen movements

Joran Pollet


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Joran Pollet (23 April 1993) graduated from St Lucas Ghent in 2012 and then followed a year of photography (Narafi Brussels). However, it is the one-year course in ornamental metalwork (GOCA Ghent) that forms the crucial stepping stone in his artistic development towards what he creates today. At that time, Joran is 23 years old.

Joran Pollet is a man of few words. His images are all the more powerful.
With hammer and anvil, he beats pieces of pure steel into the desired shape. Then he starts welding. No moules are involved, not even preliminary studies.

Joran has the form clearly in his head. He creates images in which an intense emotion is frozen and given back to the viewer.

With both his parents as dancers, Joran Pollet grew up in an environment in which conversations about lines and tension arcs, abstraction and the transfer to an audience were not strange.

In the house is also the practice of his mother, who is a professor in body consciousness. The books lying around about the body, the skeleton and the muscles have attracted his attention since childhood. He spends hours observing objects, how they are put together, how their lines relate, how they relate to each other and their surroundings.

When does a movement become really interesting? Which tilting moments are there, just before or just after an intense emotion? They are flashes that he registers, holds and later processes.

Pollet works without a model. Pure, raw and completely in the moment.
It is the alchemy of impressions, surprise and fascination, with the craft of forging and welding which, together with the viewer, make the sculptures what they are.


More pictures

King Lear

On high legs, invisible to the human eye, the king wanders like a phantom of the night along the abyss of power.



We usually know hammerhead sharks from nature documentaries, swimming around in the frame of a widescreen TV. The frame around this hammerhead helps ’trap’ this animal in a screen, allowing it to escape and swim freely in space at the same time. By stripping this predator down to its skeleton, we get to see the fascinating sci-fi content of the T-shaped shark’s jaw.


The God of the wilderness,
considered to be one of the oldest of Greek gods.


The eagle eye holds up a mirror to us. Anyone familiar with the work of J.R. Tolkien knows that the eagle people come to the rescue in times of great need. With what eyes do we grasp that which transcends the ordinary human?

James Ensor

Anyone who sees Ostend, sees Ensor. This sculpture winks in vain at itself (and, for the casual observer, also at Ensor’s charcoal drawing).

Panthera Erratus

Extinct Species

This panther species once lived in the Moroccan mountains. The arrival of guns in that region literally meant the end of this panther. Shot to the last for its beautiful skin, today all that remains is the fragility of its delicate skeleton.


Cernunnos is the horned Celtic God of animals & nature. On high legs, invisible to the human eye, he moves through our everyday world.


Pictures from

Almacen, Oostende

september 2018


  • ART3F kunstbeurs, Kortrijk, Mei 2024
  • De Nacht van de Musea en de Galerijen, Oostende 2024
  • Nobody & Friend, Antwerpen, September 2023
  • Hotel des Artistes, Oostende Zomer 2023
  • De Nacht van de Musea en de Galerijen, Oostende 2023
  • Nitra Art Gallery, Knokke-Heist 2022/2023
  • Nobody & Friend, Antwerpen, September 2022
  • Expositie Joran Pollet, Oosteroever Oostende 2022
  • Parcours d’Artistes, Orp-Jauche 2022
  • De Nacht van de Musea en de Galerijen, Oostende 2022
  • Pop-up Kunst Expo, Affligem 2021
  • De Nacht van de Musea en de Galerijen, Oostende 2021
  • Kunstroute Kortemark, Kortemark 2021 (1st place audience award)
  • Faun/Fauna on the Mystic of Creatures, Tongeren 2021
  • Verborgen Verbazing OHK, Oostende 2021
  • Expo Joran Pollet Square 42, Oostende 2019
  • Galerij Expose’m Tentoonstelling: Joran Pollet, Zwijndrecht 2018
  • Expositie 23 Metal Art Joran Pollet, Almacen, Oostende 2018
  • Oostende Zoekt Jonge Kunstenaars, Oostende 2017
  • De Vitrine van Joran Pollet, Oostende 2017
  • Kamp Noord Expositie Joran Pollet Metal Art, Oostende 2016

Frozen movements

Joran Pollet